Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Do I Gain Weight

How Do I Gain Weight

I get asked periodically about gaining weight and what to do about it. There is no simple answer becuase there are so many variables involved. First it depends on your body type.. are you able to gain weight based on your body's ability to carry it (are you genetically able to do so)?, are you exercising regularly? is your body in the correct hormonal state to gain weight? Have you tried any body building supplements? The first thing I tell people is the whole food program I recommend. It's designed to nourish the various systems of the body including your endocrine system so that no matter what program you're following you'll be able to support it. The rest revolves around the amount of weight training you're doing and the foods you're eating. My Trainer told me in no uncertain terms that if I wanted to gain mass, I'd have to spend more time in the gym. Yes I have a personal trainer! If all conditions are then correct (endocrine system is being supported nutritionally, you're exercising regularily and you have the body type that will support it) then you would want to consider a system of calorie dense foods. Not only eating more, but the correct combination of foods. The program that I have used since 1991 involves

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